Все тарифы

за первый месяц


Органическое развитие вашего Instagram-аккаунта

Получите настоящие



Автоматически с помощью


Рост подписчиков с гарантией – или вернем деньги


Доверяют более 980+ пользователей


До GrowMe

Меньше подписчиков, меньше вовлечения, меньше роста


После GrowMe

Больше подписчиков, больше вовлечения, больше роста

У нас тысячи довольных пользователей, и нас отметили здесь:

Как это работает?

Ваша личная команда

соцсетями за ...90% меньше* 🤝

Почему GrowMe?

Развивайте свой аккаунт в Instagram.

Умный путь.

Никаких ботов. Никакого спама. Никаких уловок.

GrowMe использует мощные модели ИИ, более 1 миллиона проверенных шаблонов роста, микро-взаимодействия и настоящее человеческое волшебство, чтобы обеспечить вам рост в социальных сетях нового поколения.

Чем GrowMe отличается?

GrowMe является одним из ведущих сервисов органического роста в Instagram с 2020 года.
Вот что отличает нас от конкурентов.


По-настоящему органический рост в Instagram

Наша команда опытных специалистов по Instagram вручную взаимодействует с тысячами аккаунтов каждый месяц, чтобы помочь вам привлечь реальных, органических подписчиков в Instagram.

Повышайте вовлеченность естественным образом

Мы естественным образом расширяем вашу аудиторию, чтобы вы получали больше настоящих лайков, комментариев, личных сообщений и клиентов.

Улучшите здоровье вашего аккаунта

Наши безопасные стратегии роста помогают избежать блокировки или shadowbana вашего аккаунта.

Защитите безопасность вашего аккаунта

Мы используем современное шифрование для защиты конфиденциальности информации вашего аккаунта в Instagram. Мы не используем сторонние программы.

30-дневная гарантия возврата денег

Наш рост в Instagram поддерживается 30-дневной гарантией возврата денег за первый месяц и нашей гарантией реального роста.

Другие сервисы роста

Рискованные методы «органического» роста

Наши конкуренты обещают «органический» рост, но для искусственного увеличения вашей аудитории используют вредоносные боты, автоматизацию, ИИ или накрутку подписчиков. Это может быть опасным.

Искусственное повышение вовлеченности

Многие конкуренты будут отправлять поддельныe лайки и комментарии к вашим постам, чтобы удержать вас как клиента.

Наносит вред вашему аккаунту

Использование ботов, автоматизации или ИИ может привести к тому, что ваш аккаунт будет заблокирован или получит shadowban.

Ставит под угрозу безопасность вашего аккаунта

Многие конкуренты хранят и собирают конфиденциальную информацию вашего аккаунта в небезопасных зарубежных сторонних программах.

Никаких бесплатных пробных версий и гарантий

Остерегайтесь сервисов роста в Instagram, которые не предлагают гарантию возврата денег или бесплатную пробную версию!

ЛЕГКО, КАК 1-2-3!

Начните работу за несколько минут

Подключите свой аккаунт в Instagram к GrowMe

При регистрации на Viral Strike вы сможете подключить свой аккаунт в Instagram к нашей безопасной панели управления.

Встречайте своего персонального помощника по развитию

Затем ваш персональный помощник по развитию проанализирует ваш аккаунт и определит наилучший способ его продвижения.

Начните получать реальных подписчиков в Instagram

Затем ваш персональный помощник по развитию начнет привлекать для вас реальных и активных подписчиков в Instagram. Все просто!




Мы анализируем профили, чтобы найти подходящих подписчиков.

Привязав свой аккаунт к нам, вы сможете рассказать нам, какую аудиторию вы ищете.

Затем мы находим подходящие профили для взаимодействия, чтобы вы могли естественным образом привлекать активных подписчиков.

Мы подписываемся на реальные аккаунты, которым вы можете быть интересны.

Ваш персональный помощник по развитию в GrowMe будет ежемесячно взаимодействовать от вашего имени с тысячами целевых аккаунтов.

Ручное взаимодействие с целевыми аккаунтами – лучший способ развития в Instagram в этом году.


Увидев уведомление о подписке, люди с большой вероятностью подпишутся на вас в ответ.

Это приводит к реальному органическому росту.

Доверенно более чем 5,000+ клиентами по всему миру

Don't just take our word for it - see what our satisfied customers have to say about their Instagram glow up!

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to UpGrow, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend UpGrow to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to UpGrow, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend UpGrow to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to ViralStrike, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend ViralStrike to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to UpGrow, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend UpGrow to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Ivy Jennifer Granada

Wish I could give 6 stars

As a musician, growing my Instagram following has always been a challenge. But thanks to UpGrow, it's become a lot easier. In just a few months, I gained over 10k real followers, and it's been an amazing way to promote my music and connect with fans on the platform. I highly recommend UpGrow to any musician looking to grow their Instagram presence.

Отзывы клиентов

Нам доверяют более 4,700+ инфлюенсеров, агентств и компаний


Ваш новый Instagram

Персональный помощник по развитию

Пора заменить отдел маркетинга в социальных сетях одним опытным специалистом по развитию Instagram

Настоящий рост в Instagram

Ваш персональный помощник по развитию подписывается и отписывается от тысяч людей каждую неделю, чтобы органически увеличить ваш аккаунт.

Настоящая вовлеченность

Наши методы продвижения могут помочь вам добиться настоящей вовлеченности для ваших постов и историй в Instagram.

Персональные консультации и обучение

Наши эксперты-ассистенты предоставят вам индивидуальные консультации и обучение, если у вас возникнут вопросы.

Персональная аналитика

Наша панель управления Instagram позволяет вам легко взаимодействовать с вашим помощником, а также следить за аналитикой вашего аккаунта.

Таргетинг по интересам

Ваш персональный помощник по развитию использует продвинутый таргетинг, подписываясь и отписываясь от тысяч людей каждую неделю, чтобы органически увеличить ваш аккаунт.

Участие без риска

Вы можете отменить подписку в любое время! Ваша подписка полностью защищена нашей 30-дневной гарантией возврата денег.

We help you build your fanbase.

Your Personal Instagram Growth Assistant researches your account’s niche, and then manually follows thousands of accounts that would likely be interested in your content.

Gain Better Viral Traction

Since we don't use harmful bots or automation, your account will be more likely to gain traction with Instagram's Explore algorithm, allowing you to go viral more easily.

Sell More Products & Services

Your account's safety and privacy is our top priority. Your personal growth assistant is a trained Instagram expert who will help you gain followers while respecting your privacy.

Get expert coaching, growth analytics, and more!

Your Personal Growth Assistant is your new go-to Instagram expert. If you have any questions regarding your Instagram growth, we will be happy to assist you.

You will also receive a powerful analytic dashboard so you can monitor your growth, adjust your settings, and message your growth assistant.

Grow your Instagram account quickly and safely. No gimmicks. Just results.

It's super easy to sign up and start growing.

Gain real followers without using harmful bots.

Increase your likes & comments organically.

Guaranteed results or your money back.

Honest pricing.

Grow or money back.

No bots. No fake followers. Guaranteed growth or it's free!

No credit card required. Try it 100% free. Cancel anytime.


Basic Plan

Kick-start your Instagram audience. Ideal for personal Instagram accounts.
$ 69
/month for first month
  • 1,000 - 1,500 Real Followers /mo
  • $75,000+ in Exclusive Perks
  • Follower Growth From Day 1
  • Live Growth Web Dashboard
  • Real & Organic Followers

Pro Plan

Unlimited Instagram growth & followers targeting. Ideal for fast organic growth.
$ 99
/month for first month
  • 2,500 - 3,500+ Real Followers /mo
  • $75,000+ in Exclusive Perks NEW
  • Follower Growth From Day 1
  • Live Growth Web Dashboard
  • Real & Organic Followers
  • AI Competitor Targeting
  • AI Profile Optimization
  • UpGrow Boost™
Most popular🔥

Turbo Plan

Fully-managed growth & content by your own dedicated Instagram Manager.
$ 199
/month for first month
  • 3,500 - 5,000+ Real Followers /mo
  • $75,000+ in Exclusive Perks
  • Follower Growth From Day 1
  • Live Growth Web Dashboard
  • Real & Organic Followers
  • AI Competitor Targeting
  • AI Profile Optimization
  • UpGrow Boost™
  • Viral Content Library
  • Dedicated Account Manager

Plans Comparison


$59 /mo.


$99 /mo.


$179 /mo.

Monthly Followers

1,000 - 1,500 Followers /mo

2,500 - 3,500+ Followers /mo

3,500 - 5,000+ Followers /mo

Real Engagement


Smart Auto Targeting

Location Filter

Location Filter

Age & Gender Filters

Language Targeting

24/7 Live Growth

Real-Time Analytics

ViralStrike Boost™

Inspiration Library

PDF Growth Reports

Instagress vs ViralStrike
We have the results.

Here’s how Instagress compares to Viral Strike based on verified results.

Viral Strike helps you get 50x more Instagram followers, likes and

 comments (and a bunch of other stuff) in a fraction of the time.

What is GrowMe?
GrowMe is a social media growth platform that helps you increase your audience and engagement on Instagram by attracting real users who are interested in your content and niche. Our platform uses real human action, nano-interactions, niche data clusters, and ai tools activity to drive organic growth for your account.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes! You can cancel your subscription at any time – free of charge. Simply us in the chat or via email and your account manager will cancel your subscription, and you will not be charged again.
How does GrowMe work?
Getting started with GrowMe is quick and easy. contact our account manager, connected your Instagram account, answer few of our question so we can customise your audience, we will adjust your growth settings based on niche, location, gender, age, and other factors. Our platform uses advanced AI algorithms to recognize and label each account on multiple data points, so you can attract organic followers who are interested in your specific niche.
Is GrowMe safe?
GrowMe is fully compliant with Instagram’s terms of service and does not engage in any spam activity or follow-for-follow practices. We attract real Instagram users who are interested in your account and convert them to followers, without putting your account at risk of getting banned or flagged. Your data is always encrypted and securely stored in our state-of-the-art security architecture.
Will GrowMe work for my industry?
Yes, GrowMe works for any industry! Our AI algorithms recognize and label each account on multiple data points, so you can attract organic followers from your specific niche. Thousands of leading influencers, creators, brands, and businesses use and love UpGrow, regardless of industry or niche.
What is the refund policy?
We are confident in the value that GrowMe provides. However, if for any reason you are not satisfied, we offer a no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee if you don’t see net-postive growth after the first 30 days of your subscription. We prioritize your satisfaction and growth, and our support team is always ready to assist with any concerns or issues you may have.
How Long the Setup takes?
From the moment we join forces, our customer service team swings into action. They’ll streamline your account setup within our system, ensuring you’re ready to go in as fast as 72 hours!